The 24th annual ANZORS (Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society) Conference has been held in Perth, WA, Australia, from 5 to 7 October 2018. The conference has been held directly before the annual AOA (Australian Orthopaedic Association) scientific meeting (Perth, 7-11 October 2018), providing a great opportunity for those who wish to attend both conferences back-to back.
Friday 5 – Sunday 7
October 2018
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
This Year's Conference Again Included a Social Program:
- Students social event (Masters/PhD candidates) at Little Way (walking distance from conference venue) in the evening of Friday 05 October 2018.
- Exciting ANZORS half-day Networking Afternoon at Sandalford Wines (Swan Valley, bus transport provided) for all registered delegates, with following Conference Dinner in the city at New Golden Century (North Bridge), with announcement of ECR and PhD award winners, on Saturday 06 October 2018.
Confirmed International Keynote Speakers
Prof John Antoniou, MD PhD PRSC
Research Director, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Prof Jian Q. (Jerry) Feng
Assistant Dean for Research and Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Confirmed National Keynote Speakers
Prof Dietmar Hutmacher, PhD MBA FAHMS
Assistant Dean for Research and Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Prof David Little, PhD
Paediatrics & Child Health, Children’s Hospital, Westmead, NSW, Australia.
Dr Jennifer Tickner, PhD
School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Australia.
Congratulations Again to This Year's Winners
The 2018 David Findlay ECR Award Winner
Junjie Gao
(The University of Western Australia)
The 2018 PhD Award Winner
Jacob Kenny
(The University of Western Australia)
The “One to Watch Award, by Zeiss”
Sophie Rapagna
(Flinders University)
Thank You!
Thanks Perth! See you in Canberra (ACT) at the 25th Annual ANZORS Conference in 2019!
See the winner photos here.