
If you would like to be nominated for an award at this year’s conference please indicate this on your abstract submission form.

David Findlay Early Career Researcher Award

Annually the scientific committee will award the ANZORS ECR award to an outstanding early career scientist based on the work they present at the conference. At the time of abstract submission those wishing to be nominated for this award must identify this on the online form. Early career researchers are considered those who are within three years of PhD conferral. Past ANZORS ECR award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.

PhD Student Award

Annually the scientific committee will award the ANZORS PhD student award to an outstanding PhD student based on the work they present at the conference. At the time of abstract submission those wishing to be nominated for this award must identify this on the online form. Only those currently enrolled in a PhD are eligible for this award. Past ANZORS PhD student award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.

Minghao Zheng Orthopaedic Innovation Award

Given to all categories including postgraduate, undergraduate (honours) students and ECRs (within three years of PhD conferral). Selection of abstracts is based on scientific merit, including patent filing and value of translating the research into clinical applications. During the abstract submission, applicants may add a short statement (not more than 100 words) to address if the work has been filed a patent and the potential clinical applications. The evaluation criteria include the presentation of the work at the conference. Past Minghao Zhen Orthopaedic Innovation award winners are not eligible to apply for this award.

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